Volunteer Application Form
The Volunteer always acts in the best interest of and with the NCHC community to attend to the following principles of the NCHC:
Core Principle; Promote Social Justice, Equity and Inclusion – focus on reducing inequalities and increasing access to opportunities and conditions conducive to health & well-being for all.
Principle 1; Community Owned - engage communities in decision-making and provide opportunities for communities to build and strengthen their social capital and sense of belonging at the NCHC and with the larger Edmonton community.
Principle 2; Welcoming & Inclusive – recognize clients as partners in the care process so that they experience care and support in ways that they wish to be treated. We interact with patients in a way that respects them.
Principle 3; Adopt a Social Model of Health – provide a holistic approach in caring for individuals and families which addresses the broader social determinants of health.
Principle 4; Act Collaboratively - provide care and support that is grounded on collaborative decision-making, is coordinated among service providers and is flexible and responsive to differing and emerging needs and desires.
Principles 5; Create a Supportive Learning Community – create opportunities for service providers to learn and reflect, building capacity within the Centre and into the broader systems.