
  • Edmonton Zone Public Health Staff Help Refugees Access Healthcare

    June 28, 2022

    New Canadians Health Centre, Edmonton Zone public health staff are helping newly arrived government-sponsored refugees access healthcare support. Building relationships and trust means families know how to ask for help.

  • The New Canadians Health Centre is Helping Refugees Thrive

    March 13, 2022

    Nearly 700 refugees – half from Afghanistan – have received care at the New Canadians Health Centre in Edmonton, Alta. since it opened in late August 2021. The centre is the result of a partnership between academics, local settlement and health-care organizations, and the provincial government.

    Troy Media | By Gillian Rutherford

  • Featured on National Newcomer Navigation Network

    December 2, 2021

    “From her first day as a Settlement Counselor at CSS 16 years ago, Astrid found that she was deeply passionate about the organization’s work, “…the first time that I went to Catholic Social Services, I was like, oh, I love this work, and helping people…that’s when I got really interested in just giving back and helping others like me who were coming to Edmonton.”

Rapid Needs Assessment for Exposure to Chemical Hazards

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